International Repatriation Service Leicester In the case of a fatal accident or unexpected death abroad, one of the biggest concerns of the bereaved family is to return the remains of their loved one home – a process known as repatriation. Although this may seem to be an incredibly daunting and complex undertaking – not least due to potential language barriers and communication difficulties – at Bay Tree Funerals, we aim to make it as
End of Life Planning
A little time spent now can save a lot of worry later. End of Life Planning, There are three legal documents everyone should have if they want to prepare fully for their end of life and their family’s future.   We also recommend that you have an End of Life Plan, this is a document setting out your funeral wishes, the location of your essential documents and other important personal information.  A little time spent
Probate and Estate Administration Probate
Probate and Estate Administration Probate is the legal process that has to be followed after someone dies leaving a Will. In certain cases where there is a property or where financial services organisations require it, a Grant of Probate may be needed.  In Scotland this is called a Grant of Confirmation.  This is a legal document issued by the Court which authorises the executors to carry out their duties.  If no Will has been left
Funeral Planning leicester
Advance Funeral Planning There are few things in life that are not made better and easier by planning for them in advance, this is also true for funerals.  Advance funeral planning is the process of discussing, defining and recording your specific and unique funeral wishes long before the services, ceremonies and rituals are needed.  Pre-planning your funeral is an act of kindness to those you care for most, making a difficult time, a little easier.
Life Celebration Funerals
Life Celebration Funerals Life Celebration Funerals, Many people today are seeking a funeral service which reflects the character, life, values and beliefs of the person.  This can be done in numerous ways.  Coffins can be selected in various forms, the coffin and the chapel can be decorated and the spoken service can be personalised.  We have also found that personal touches can really improve the funeral and make it more special and heartfelt and it
End of Life PlanningFuneral Directors Leicester