Natural Burials

People today are considering a different sort of funeral


Natural Burials

More and more people today are considering a different sort of funeral as an alternative to the traditional cemetery burial or a hurried cremation. The coffin, the hearse, the black clothes and granite memorials are all essentially a Victorian invention.

There are also concerns about the pollution of a cremation, the waste of resources in conventional coffins, the high cost of memorials and the commercialism of funerals generally.

If we were to choose an appropriate final resting place for someone we have loved, many families would want a pleasant place where peace is assured and protected and also to feel convinced that their loved one would have approved of their choice.

Natural burial grounds are unique places where burials can take place amongst the quiet tranquillity of an area of woodland or a meadow of wild flowers. They are also havens for wildlife and natural indigenous plants and trees.

By choosing this appealing and natural alternative, there can be a healing and a peace in commemorating a death which might not be found in other forms of funerals. There is also more time allowed for each family to reflect and staff are available for support and advice.

Graves are laid out between the trees and over the years these will return to the soil as part of the cycle of life. You have the option of planting a tree yourself and cremated remains are also accepted.

Woodlands and meadows are a much loved part of the English countryside. Every season has its special moments – anyone who has visited a bluebell woodland in the spring will not forget its beauty.

Visitors to a natural burial ground usually find it a place of peace and inspiration, a place for contemplation and remembrance, meditation and reflection, but most of all, a place where, in the truest sense, life goes on.

You may choose to call us now at 0116 2788868.

Bay Tree Funerals
7A Welford Rd,
0116 2788868 24 hours